by Gregory Hagopian | Aug 5, 2020 | General, Policing |
There’s been a lot of talk recently about police brutality and excessive force. On extreme fringe number one is the “Thin Blue Line” “Back the Badge” “A few bad apples exist in every profession” people. On extreme fringe number two are the “Burn it all down” “There is...
by Gregory Hagopian | Jun 2, 2020 | General, Policing, Protests |
The protests… and riots, which have gone on over the last week bring up a very important legal question: What rights to individuals have to protest against the government? And what are the limitations on that right that may legally imposed BY the government? We...
by Gregory Hagopian | Mar 27, 2017 | DUI, General |
1. Don’t drink and drive. By far the best and most important advice I can give you is to not drink and drive. It IS genuinely dangerous. I have seen enough criminal cases involving fatal crashes to tell you with all my heart that it isn’t worth it. Get a...
by Gregory Hagopian | Dec 7, 2016 | General, Marijuana Laws |
Proposition 64 was passed with 56.96 % of the vote on November 8th. The Adult Marijuana Use Act makes some pretty significant changes to California Law. Proposition 64: Creates “The Bureau of Marijuana Control” as a sub-department of the Department of...
by Gregory Hagopian | Nov 22, 2016 | General, Legislation, Prisons, Protests |
There was an election this month! This article is about Proposition 57, but because there were a few other propositions that deal with California Budget Issues, I have included a short summary of those as well. We begin with the background for why Proposition 57 was...