Clear Your Arrest Record

The Law Office of Gregory Hagopian can help you seek an expungement to clear a criminal record. In essence, when an expungement is granted, it is as if the criminal conviction had never taken place. In California, an expungement is a legal order by the Superior Court of the state that acknowledges that you have paid your debt to society and that your criminal history should no longer be used against you.


What Are The Positive Effects Of Getting Your Record Expunged?

  • You immediately become eligible for loans and housing assistance not offered to people with criminal convictions on their records.
  • You can earn more money.
  • You can truthfully answer “NO” on job applications, loan applications, and applications for housing when asked if you have a criminal conviction.
  • Private employers (except for those contracting with the government or requiring you to have a form of government license) are precluded from asking you about convictions that have been expunged.
  • If you are able to reduce a felony to a misdemeanor you may be able to restore gun rights that were taken away from you as a “felon.”
  • You get to move on with your life.

To find out more, contact Gregory Hagopian at 559-377-6627.

Who Is Eligible?

To be eligible for expungement under California Penal Code 1203.4 you must meet the following criteria:

  • You were convicted in a California State Court.
  • You were convicted of an infraction, a misdemeanor, or a felony for which you were not sent to state prison.
  • You have done everything the judge ordered you to do at the time of sentencing. This may include the payment of fines and fees to the court, or the payment of restitution to a victim. It also may include attending mandatory classes (such as anger management or DUI classes) and/or completing community service.
  • You were not caught violating your probation (with some exceptions).
  • You have successfully completed probation, or, if you have not yet successfully completed probation, you can convince the judge that you should terminate probation early.
  • You are not currently being charged with, on probation for, or serving a sentence on any other criminal charge.

Or, in specific cases where you may have a conviction for a misdemeanor for which you were not placed on probation (this is very rare):

  • It has been at least one year since the date of your conviction.
  • You have complied with the sentence of the court.
  • You are not currently charged with, serving a sentence for, or on probation for any other criminal offense.
  • You have obeyed the law and lived an honest and upright life since the time of your conviction.



“Great experience with attorney and staff. Handled my case, promptly got my expungement”

– Michael


“Greg and Curtis went above and beyond for my Expungement case…He’s simplified my case without having to show up in court. It was very well worth every penny I spent. I highly recommend this Law Firm to anyone in need of a good knowledgeable attorney in a court room.”

– Cynthia Armenta Paniagua


The Expungement Process

The whole process, from the time you decide to hire us to represent you to the moment your record is cleared, usually takes between 4-6 weeks. The process typically involves the following steps:

We will meet with you, either in person or over the phone and get the information necessary to help you get your record cleared.
We will get a copy of your court records for any convictions you have suffered and will check to make sure that these convictions are eligible to be expunged.

We will write and file a formal motion to the court requesting expungement of your record. This will include a written declaration that we will prepare for you and have you sign.

Once we obtain your approval we will file the motion with the Superior Court and serve a copy on the District Attorney’s Office, as required by law. At this point, a date will be set for the motion to be heard in front of a Superior Court judge.

We will respond on your behalf if the District Attorney’s Office decides to file an objection to your expungement.

We will appear in court and argue your case to the judge.
In the vast majority of expungement cases, you will not need to appear in court, and we will be able to make the appearance for you and argue to the judge on your behalf. If, however, you are still on probation and are requesting an early release, you will need to appear with us.

We will obtain the signed order dismissing your case, pay the necessary court fees out of our own pocket, and mail you the order.


To find out more about expungements and clearing your criminal record, contact Gregory Hagopian at


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